"E que a minha loucura seja perdoada, por que metade me mim é amor e a outra também."

quinta-feira, 24 de março de 2011

An act of kindness

An act of kindness it's more important when it don't have much importance to you, you should do it by your heart and don't expect much of the others.
I was at my friend's house and I had to go home, I was thinking about my life and about what I would have to do when I got home, but things don't hapened as well, I went through a girl that didn't seems well, So I stop and decided ask her what was happening. But of course that I didn't know if she would tell me or not, because I was a complete stranger at her  and she at me. But for my surprise she starts to tell me her problem, and even with my timidity I was there talking with someone that I just met.
Her problem was very serious, and I tried to help. Her mother was with cancer and she didn't konw what to do. So I said to her, to pass all the time as possible with her mother, and to never forget to say how much she was especial. 
After this first conversation we continue to talk and see us, and we start a great friendship. But one year later her mother died. And more than ever I helped her. But she was strong and overcame. also because she hadn't regrets, she gave her mother all her love and it was the most important reason.

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Meus Amores e Minhas Amoras

Uma concepção minha

Minha foto
"Enquanto eu tiver perguntas e não houver resposta continuarei a escrever. Pensar é um ato. Sentir é um fato. O que escrevo é mais do que invenção, é minha obrigação contar sobre essa moça entre milhares delas. E dever meu, nem que seja de pouca arte, o de revelar-lhe a vida. Porque há direito ao grito. Então eu grito. Grito puro e sem pedir esmola." Clarice Lispector, em "A hora da estrela".
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